A JavaScript library to execute EOSDT contracts methods.


Install the module using NPM:

$ npm install @eosdt/eosdt-js

Use service module Connector to initiate one of four functional modules (Positions, Governance, Liquidator or Balances). Connector uses EOS node address and an array of private keys. Transactions would be signed with given keys and sent to blockchain through given node.

const { EosdtConnector } = require("@eosdt/eosdt-js")

const nodeAddress = "http://node-address.example.com:80"

const connector = new EosdtConnector(nodeAddress, ["private-key-1", "private-key-2"])

const positions = connector.getPositions()
const governance = connector.getGovernance()
const liquidator = connector.getLiquidator()
const balances = connector.getBalances()



Creates a connector object, used to initiate functional modules and invoke their methods.


Module to manage EOSDT positions. Methods:

  • create - creates new position, using specified amount of EOS as collateral and issuing specified amount of EOSDT to creator. If eosAmount arg is equal to zero, creates an empty position.

  • createWithReferral - same as create, but also sets a referral on position.

  • close - used to close a position in event of a global shutdown.

  • del - deletes position that has 0 debt.

  • give - transfers position ownership to another account.

  • addCollateral - sends EOS to position to increase it's collateralization.

  • deleteCollateral - returns specified part of used collateral to user if LTV stays above critical.

  • generateDebt - issues additional EOSDT for position if this does not bring LTV below critical.

  • burnbackDebt - repays specified amount of EOSDT decreasing debt.

  • marginCall - called on a position with critical LTV, to perform a margin call.

  • getContractEosAmount - returns eosdtcntract EOS balance

  • getRates - returns table of current system token prices (rates).

  • getPositionById - returns a position object, selecting it by id.

  • getAllUserPositions - returns an array of all positions for specified user (up to 100 positions).

  • getParameters - returns Positions contract parameters.

  • getSettings - return Positions contract settings.

  • addReferral - creates new referral, staking given amount of NUT. Rejects when amount is less then referral_min_stake in positions contract settings.

  • deleteReferral - removes referral and unstakes that referral's NUT.

  • getReferralById - returns a referral object.

  • getReferralByName - returns a referral object.

  • getAllReferrals - returns table of existing referrals.

  • getPositionReferral - returns referral of a given position (undefined if none exists).

  • getPositionReferralsTable - returns an array of positions ids and those positions referrals.

  • getAllReferralPositionsIds - returns an array of positions with given referral id.


Governance methods help manage the system: create proposals to change system parameters, vote on them and stake NUT tokens for voting. Methods:

  • propose - creates a proposal.

  • expire - expires an active proposal.

  • applyChanges - apply proposed changes (at least 51% of all issued NUT tokens must vote, at least 55% of votes must be positive).

  • cleanProposal - remove specified amount of votes from an expired proposal. If 0 votes left, removes proposal.

  • stake - sends NUT tokens to contract, staking them and allowing to vote on proposals.

  • unstake - unstakes NUT tokens, returning them to user and lowering amount of available votes.

  • vote - vote for or against a proposal. Vote 1 as "yes", 0 or any other number as "no".

  • unvote - removes all user votes from a proposal.

  • voteForBlockProducers - voting with staked NUTs for specified block producers.

  • stakeAndVoteForBlockProducers - stakes NUT and votes for BPs in one transaction.

  • getVoterInfo - returns amount of NUTs staked by account in EOSDT Governance contract and their unstake date.

  • getVoterInfosTable - returns the whole table of information on accounts that staked NUT

  • getVotes - returns an array with all votes (up to 1000).

  • getProposals - returns an array with all proposals (up to 1000).

  • getBpVotes - returns array of block producers names and amount of NUT votes for them.

  • getProxyInfo - returns voter info for eosdtbpproxy.

  • getSettings - returns governance contract settings.

Bp manager

Governance account methods for block producers to manage their voting positions: register, change reward amount, deposit EOS, unregister.

  • getBpPosition - returns information about registered block producer.

  • getAllBpPositions - returns an array of objects, that contain information about registered block producers.

  • registerBlockProducer - registers a block producer in BP voting reward program.

  • changeBlockProducerReward - changes amount of EOS reward payed out by block producer.

  • unRegisterBlockProducer - make block producer position inactive.

  • depositEos - deposit EOS to block producer position.


Methods to get Liquidator contract parameters and exchange EOS and EOSDT in case of global shutdown.

  • marginCallAndBuyoutEos - performes margin call on a position and transfers specified amount of EOSDT to buyout freed EOS.

  • transferEos - sends EOS to Liquidator contract. It is used to buyout surplus debt with discount.

  • transferEosdt - sends EOSDT to liquidator contract. It is used to cancel bad debt and buyout liquidator EOS with discount.

  • transferNut - sends NUT tokens to liquidator contract. It is used to buyout EOS intended to be bought for NUT tokens (parameter "nut_collat_balance").

  • getSurplusDebt - returns amount of system surplus debt.

  • getBadDebt - returns amount of system bad debt.

  • getEosBalance - returns amount of EOS on liquidator contract balance.

  • getParameters - returns all liquidator contract parameters.


Module to get account's balances of EOSDT, EOS and NUT. Methods:

  • getNut - returns NUT balance of account

  • getEosdt - returns EOSDT balance of account

  • getEos - returns EOS balance of account


You can find working example scripts in module directory examples.

Connecting to blockchain

This code block is required for any other example to work.

const { EosdtConnector } = require("@eosdt/eosdt-js")

// Change node address here. This one will connect you to Jungle testnet node
const nodeAddress = "http://jungle2.cryptolions.io:80"

// Change or add private keys used to sign transactions here. This one is from Jungle
// testnet account "exampleaccnt"
const privateKeys = ["5JEVy6QujTsFzxWtBbQrG53vkszRybabE4wSyA2Tg1uZFEeVPks"]
const accountName = "exampleaccnt"

const connector = new EosdtConnector(nodeAddress, privateKeys)

// This code logs current block number and lets us know that connection
// has been  established.
const currentBlockNumber = (await connector.rpc.get_info()).head_block_num
console.log(`Connected to blockchain, current block number is: ${currentBlockNumber}`)

// Getting objects with all methods
const positions = connector.getPositions()
const governance = connector.getGovernance()
const liquidator = connector.getLiquidator()
const balances = connector.getBalances()

Position operations

Creating position, adding collateral, issuing addintional debt then returning it, returning collateral from postion and closing it.

// Creating a position to issue 2 EOSDT for 1.5 EOS collateral
// ATTENTION: this will throw if a user already has a position
await positions.create(accountName, 1.5, 2)

// Getting last user position
const allUserPositions = await positions.getAllUserPositions(accountName)
const lastUserPosition = allUserPositions[allUserPositions.length - 1]
const positionId = lastUserPosition.position_id
console.log("Position created:", lastUserPosition)

// Adding 1.6 EOS collateral to position
await positions.addCollateral(accountName, 1.6, positionId)

let updatedPosition = await positions.getPositionById(positionId)
console.log("Position collateral increased: ", updatedPosition)

// Issuing addintional 2.15 EOSDT of debt
await positions.generateDebt(accountName, 2.15, positionId)

updatedPosition = await positions.getPositionById(positionId)
console.log("Position outstanding and governance debts increased: ", updatedPosition)

// Returning 6 EOSDT to Positions contract. All excessive tokens will be returned to
// user. Appropriate amount of NUT tokens will be withdrawn from user balance. User
// required to have NUT tokens to burn debt.
await positions.burnbackDebt(accountName, 6, positionId)

updatedPosition = await positions.getPositionById(positionId)
console.log("Position debt decreased: ", updatedPosition)

// Returning 1.35 EOS of collateral to user (partial collateral return). If there is
// debt still left, user cannot return more collateral than required for position
// to have LTV above critical
await positions.deleteCollateral(accountName, 1.35, positionId)

updatedPosition = await positions.getPositionById(positionId)
console.log("Position collateral decreased: ", updatedPosition)

// Deleting position and returning all collateral to user. Would only work, if
// position has zero debts.
await positions.del(accountName, positionId)

updatedPosition = await positions.getPositionById(positionId)
console.log("Position deleted, excess EOS returned to user, position must now be undefined: ",

Proposals management

Creating, expiring and applying a proposal.

const proposalJson = `{"eosdtcntract.critical_ltv":1.4,"eosdtcntract.stability_fee":0.086,"reserved":"Update production contracts to v2.1"}`
const expirationDate = "2019-06-30T23:59:59"

// Creating a proposal for users to vote
await governance.propose("test proposal", "Test proposal title", proposalJson, expirationDate, accountName)

// Logging all proposals
console.log(`Proposal created: \n`, await governance.getProposals())

// Expiring a proposal and stooping voting on it. Expiration date changes to
// time of this method execution.
await governance.expire("test proposal", accountName)
console.log(`Proposal expired: \n`, await governance.getProposals())

// If your proposal is expired, has 55% "yes" votes and 51% of all NUT tokens
// voted - you can apply changes from this proposal to system
await governance.applyChanges("test proposal", accountName)


Staking NUT tokens to vote for and against proposals.

// Transfering 2 NUT tokens to use them in voting. Tokens can be unstaked and
// transferred back after 3 days wait period (votes, using these tokens must be
// cancelled first)
await governance.stake(accountName, 2)

// Voting whith 2 NUT tokens for proposal with name "test proposal". Vote "1" for
// proposal and any other number to vote against it. You vote with all staked tokens
await governance.vote("test proposal", 1, accountName)
console.log(`Voted successfully, all votes: \n`, await governance.getVotes())

// Cancelling vote for proposal with name "test proposal"
await governance.unvote("test proposal", accountName)
console.log(`Voted cancelled, all votes: \n`, await governance.getVotes())

// Unstaking NUT tokens to get them back on user's balance
await governance.unstake(2, accountName)

Balances operations

Gettings balances of EOS, EOSDT or NUT

// Getting amount of EOS available on user's balance
await balances.getEos(accountName)

Last updated

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